
Audio and Video Resources

Click on each series title below to expand the section.

Encounters on a Journey

Touching the Heart video series

Chapter 1

Chapter 2, Strategy for Prayer

Chapter 3, Developing Prayer in the Parish

Chapter 4, What is Prayer?

Chapter 5, Prayer from the Heart

Chapter 6, Revisiting St. Bridget’s

Parish Experiences of Prayer

Touching the Heart Leader's Guide

Touching the Heart Workbook

Praying Congregations Video Series

Please note that it is possible to play several of these videos simultaneously. If you accidently start more than one, simply stop or pause the other videos until you are ready to watch them.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Please return to this page often. We will continue to add more audio and video content.

Resources Listing

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Resources Catalogue

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When ordering AFP (Canada) resources, please site both the number and the name of the item needed.

Courses/Workshops on Prayer
P-2 Beginning to Pray (P-2)
This one of a series of pamphlets (P-2 to P-6) which complement each other and provide basic information on its subject and a list of books relating thereto, prepared by the Toronto Diocesan Prayer Committee.
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-5 Contemplative Prayer (P-5)
Contemplative Prayer  This one of a series of pamphlets (P-2 to P-6) which complement each other and provide basic information on its subject and a list of books relating thereto, prepared by the Toronto Diocesan Prayer Committee.
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-5 Personal Prayer Notebook (P-1)
A 9" x 6" three-ringed notebook by Harry Griffith with teaching on five facets of prayer: Adoration, Thanksgiving, Confession, Petition, and Intercession.  Your own prayers may be inserted.
order: $15.00

  A Parish School of Prayer in Four Sessions (G-21)
A kit based on the 'Rule of Life' folder by AFP and an exercise derived from Henri Nouwen's book "With Open Hands"- To be used in five sessions to establish prayer groups. Ten "Rule of Life" folders are included.)
order: $5.00

P-5 A Power House of Prayer (V-34)
A one-day workshop led by Canon Tom and Dr. Betty Gracie (First Director of AFP Canada, 1982-97)-to be used as is or as preparation for local leaders - contains vigil for preparation in advance, plus 8 other aspects of prayer to practice alone and/or in small groups - - (For Workbook and Leaders Guide. see G-23 and G - 24).
order: For Loan

P-5 Questions People Ask about Prayer (P/G-31)
19 Questions - How do you hear God? How long should you pray for someone? Why pray for healing? -- Use one each time your group meets to add interest.
order: $1.50


Listening to God (P/G-30)
A booklet of ten Biblical selections chosen with the special intention of teaching a vital [though often absent] part of prayer, over a 10 day period.  Written by Rosemary Green for Scripture Union.
view online: free
order: $1.00

G-20 Day of Prayer - in Three Parts (G-20)
A one-day event, in three parts, with Biblical focus on personal prayer, small group prayer and the parish as a praying unit.
view online: free
order: $1.00

Developing a Regular Prayer Life
P-4 Intercessory Prayers (P-4)
This one of a series of pamphlets (P-2 to P-6) which complement each other and provide basic information on its subject and a list of books relating thereto, prepared by the Toronto Diocesan Prayer Committee.
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-4 Daily Prayer (Sunday through Saturday) (P-8)
A day by day outline to help organize one's daily prayers throughout a week under the headings of Adoration, Thanksgiving, Confession, Intercession, and Petition. A few prompters are listed. 
order: $1.00

P-4 A Practical Guide to Fasting (P-13)
When Ye Fast  A folder explaining practical methods for, and the value of, this ancient practice.
order: $0.50

P-6 Spiritual Guidance (P-6)
This one of a series of pamphlets (P-2 to P-6) which complement each other and provide basic information on its subject and a list of books relating thereto, prepared by the Toronto Diocesan Prayer Committee.
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-6 A Rule of Life (P-7)
A flexible guide for controlling "spiritual slippage".
order: $0.50

P/G-30 Listening to God (P/G-30)
A booklet of ten Biblical selections chosen with the special intention of teaching a vital [though often absent] part of prayer, over a 10 day period.  Written by Rosemary Green for Scripture Union.
view online: free
order: $1.00
P/G-30 A Circle of Prayer: The Anglican Rosary for All of God’s People (P-41)

view online: free
order: $1.00
P/G-30 Prayer Walking (G-46)

view online: free
order: $1.00

A Time for Self-Examination
P-37 A Prayer Inventory (P-37)
A Prayer Inventory  a self-examination pamphlet intended to provide a resource to determine some ways to change and grow in our relationship with God.
view online: free
order: $0.50

P-12 A Self-Examination - Using the Beatitudes (P-12)
Self-Examination Using the Beatitudes  Know yourself through searching questions, given for meditation before God.
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-11 A Self-Examination - Using the 10 Commandments and Prayers of Confession, Seeking and Forgiveness (P-11)
Self-Examination Using the Ten Commandments  Know yourself through searching questions, given for meditation before God. 
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-11 A Rule of Life (P-7)
A flexible guide for controlling "spiritual slippage".
order: $0.50

Praying for the Church - National/Diocese/Parish
P-36 Praying for your Spiritual Leaders (P-36)
Praying for your Spiritual Leaders  A pamphlet intended to provide a resource for those who would pray regularly for their Spiritual Leader(s).
view online: free
order: $0.50

P-36 Alongsiders Kit (G-16)
Alongsider's Kit  Promotes prayer for parish and beyond, among those isolated from the parish family, shut-ins, and older people generally.  Each participant needs a kit.
order: $6.00

P-36 Prayer in the Calling Process (G-27)
Calling Process  Prayer for the election of a Bishop or the appointment of a parish priest: contains schedule with Scripture to implement individual or group prayer.
order: $1.00

Parish Prayer Ministries
P-40 For Clergy to know resources of AFP: Meeting the needs of the Parish Priest (P-40)
Meeting the Needs of the Parish Priest  A summary of resources and suggestions to encourage prayer in various aspects of parish ministries and activities. 
view online: free
order: $1.00

P-36 Paying for Leaders: Praying for your Spiritual Leaders (P-36)
Praying for your Spiritual Leaders  A pamphlet intended to provide a resource for those who would pray regularly for their Spiritual Leader(s).
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-36 Shut-ins: Alongsiders Program (G-17)
The booklet which describes this parish program, with a guide to implementation and a commissioning service for the participants.
order: $1.00

P-36 Alongsiders Kit (G-16)
Alongsider's Kit  Promotes prayer for parish and beyond, among those isolated from the parish family, shut-ins, and older people generally.  Each participant needs a kit.
order: $6.00

P-36 Prayer Groups: Prayer Groups - A How to Booklet (G-22)
A booklet of practical help for formation, leadership, maintenance and other related matters for prayer groups.
order: $0.50

G-25 Prayer Groups: Prayer Chains (G-25)
Prayer Chains  Simplified guidelines to help establish a quick and vital parish response to those in need.
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-3 Family/Children: Family Prayer (P-3)
This one of a series of pamphlets (P-2 to P-6) which complement each other and provide basic information on its subject and a list of books relating thereto, prepared by the Toronto Diocesan Prayer Committee.
view online: free
order: $0.50
P-39 Family/Children: Teaching Children to Pray (P-39)
Some suggested steps on teaching children to pray and using the Hand Prayer as a teaching guide. 
view online: free
order: $1.50

Vigils: Prayer Vigils (G-28)
For parish, Synod, or crisis - contains guidelines, sign-up sheets, signs, and leaflet “How To Spend an Hour in Prayer".
view online: free
order: $2.00

G-28 Vigils: How to Spend an Hour in Prayer (P-14)
How to Spend an Hour In Prayer  A guide for praying during Prayer Vigils.
order: $0.50

P/G-32 Readers/Intercessors: Handbook for Readers and Intercessors (P/G-32)
A 'how to' guide for those who perform these tasks at worship services.  
view online: free
order: $1.00
P/G-34 Lent: Keeping a Holy Lent (P/G-34)
A description of the meaning of the time of Lent with some of the possibilities of making it a special time, including prayer suggestions and a daily schedule of scripture readings.
view online: free
order: $0.50

P-4 Lent: A Practical Guide to Fasting (P-13)
When Ye Fast  A folder explaining practical methods for, and the value of, this ancient practice.
order: $0.50

P-6 Counselling/Spiritual Direction: Spiritual Guidance (P-6)
This one of a series of pamphlets (P-2 to P-6) which complement each other and provide basic information on its subject and a list of books relating thereto, prepared by the Toronto Diocesan Prayer Committee.
view online: free
order: $0.50
  Bible Study: A Cassette Study - Introducing the Bible by William Barclay (SC-1)
Introducing the Bible  by Dr. William Barclay.  What the Bible says and how to study it.
order: $9.00


House Groups: Parish House Groups (G-26)
A general overview of parish house groups and answers to questions relating to them. (Provided by Ottawa Diocese in the fall of 1999)
view online: free
order: $0.50


House Groups: A Home Quiet Day (G-19)
Brief hints and suggested time table.
view online: free
order: $0.50

P/G-42 Pastoral Care: Pastoral Care & Prayer (P/G-42)
A pamphlet containing suggestions and prayers for those who make pastoral visits.
view online: free
order: $1.00
P/G-41 Pastoral Care: Healing Prayer (P/G-41)
A practical guide for those involved or interested in prayer ministry teams.
view online: free
order: $1.00
P-15 Pastoral Care: A Prayer for the Healing of Memories (P-15)
A pamphlet containing a prayer to be used for the healing of memories. 
view online: free
order: $0.50
P/G-33 Exercise: An Emmaus Walk - Meditation while Walking (P/G-33)
An exercise in which prayer and Scripture run together in a walking meditation. Written by Brother Ramon, an Anglican Franciscan.
view online: free
order: $0.50

AFP Prayer Cards by Esther Jackson

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