Prayers for various occasions may be found below. However, it is important that we realized that in prayer we are talking to God. Feel free to address God in your own words, don't simply rely on the words of others. If you have found a prayer meaningful to you, and would like to share it with others, please send it us by clicking here and it may be placed in this location (please cite the source, whenever possible, so proper credit can be given).
The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer Partners' Prayer (AFP Representatives' Handbook)
Lord Jesus, give to your church a renewed desire to pray, that together we may know your will, be filled with your love, and experience your grace and power for the healing of your world, to you glory. Amen.
The A.F.P. Representatives' Prayer (AFP Representatives' Handbook)
O Father grant your blessing,
that I may fulfil my ministry as a Diocesan Representative.
I can hope to do this only because you are with me to help me.
Help me to grow in prayer and by your Spirit give me the right words
so that I may encourage and teach others to pray in the knowledge
that they are the children of a loving heavenly Father
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who ever lives to pray for us. Amen
AFP Intercessors' Prayer (AFP Representatives' Handbook VII-1)
Our Father, we pray your blessing
on those you have called to be
Intercessors in the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.
Help us to persist in prayer,
with an awareness of your loving goodness
and your ability to accomplish abundantly
far more than all we can ask or imagine.
May we know that in your will
all things work together for good
through Jesus who ever lives
to make intercession for us. Amen.
O Almighty Lord, and everlasting God,
vouchsafe, we beseech thee,
to direct, sanctify, and govern,
both our hearts and bodies,
in the ways of thy laws,
and in the works of thy commandments;
that through thy most mighty protection,
both here and ever,
we may be preserved in body and soul;
through Jesus Christ. Amen
Book of Common Prayer (Canada) 1962 p. 87
Prayers for Canadian Synod
For A Renewed Church
Almighty God give us a new vision of you, of your love, of your grace and power;
and then, give us a new vision of what you would have us do as your church in this nation at this time,
and an awareness that in the strength of your Spirit we can do it to your glory.
In Jesus’ Name we pray.
For Our Bishop
Heavenly Father, give to our Bishop, in the midst of the stress of his/her position, a daily renewal of your presence, that upheld in your peace, enlightened by your word, and strengthened by your grace, he/she may be a shepherd enabling your church to fulfill the mission you have given us, for Jesus' sake.
For Synod Delegates, Staff and Leaders
O Holy One, guide all our synod delegates,
That those called to serve in these responsibilities may be men and women living a holy life, seeking to be in your will, able to overcome prejudices, examining issues with care, and that the decisions of Synod may be to the building up of your church and to your glory.
May we be truly unified as one under Christ.
For A Church Alive To The Lord
O God, we get so caught up with the programs, with the buildings, with raising the finances, with restructuring and with endless sheets of paper.
Forgive us when we make these things our priority and ignore your presence.
May our priority be to live Christ-like lives and as we look to you in prayer may our words and deeds be a witness to your glory.
For A Church In God 's Will
Eternal God,
You call us to live with faith in a world filled with so many challenges.
Help us remember that Jesus talked of our being in the world, but not of the world.
Teach us through your word, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and in our prayers to learn and understand what you would have us to be and to do, so that we may fulfil our calling as Christ's body here on earth.
For the Mission of the Church
God of all,
Draw your church together into one great company of disciples, together following our Lord Jesus Christ into every walk of life, together serving Him in His mission to the world, and together witnessing to His love on every continent and island, particularly in our country of Canada.
(BAS Pg. 676)
Election of a Primate
Almighty God, giver of all good gifts,
look graciously upon your Church in Canada with grace,
and guide the minds of those who shall choose a Primate for us,
that we may receive a faithful servant and leader,
who will care for your people and support us in our ministries;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(BAS Pg. 676)
Corporate Stewardship Prayers
Prayer #1
Gracious and generous God, Creator and Giver of all that is good, we thank you for our many blessings. We acknowledge that all that we have is from you. We offer you thanks and praise for the beauty of the earth, our work, our family, our loved ones, and all the gifts we have been given.
You are with us always. In each dark hour, you are here. In each bright hour, you are here. Blessed by your grace, may we show gratitude by sharing what we have been given.
By serving our brothers and sisters, we serve you.
We remain ever grateful for your constant love, the gift of your Son Jesus, and the presence of your Holy Spirit with us.
Protect and guide us on our journey, and guide those who are involved in Diocesan, and parish stewardship leadership.
We remain your faithful stewards, Amen
Prayer #2
Generous and loving God, we come to you in thanksgiving, knowing that all we are and all that we have is gift from you. In faith and love, help us to do your will. We are listening. Speak your words into the depth of our souls, that we may hear you clearly.
We offer to you this day all the facets of our lives, whether it be at home, at work, or at school. We seek to be patient, to be merciful, to be generous, to be holy. Give us the wisdom and insight to understand your will for us and the fervour to carry out our good intentions.
We offer our gifts of time, talent and possessions to you as a true act of faith, to reflect our love for you and our neighbours.
Help us to reach out to others as you have reached out to us. Amen
Prayer #3
Lord we pray that we will make stewardship a way of Life. We acknowledge you as the source of all we have and all we are.
Help us to place you, our loving Creator, first in our lives by becoming more prayerful, more focused on loving and caring for our families and our neighbours in need, and by becoming less preoccupied with material things.
Help us to hear your call to be good stewards, caretakers, and managers of all your gifts by sharing them for your purposes.
Help us make your priorities our priorities and to put our faith into action. Help us plan to “give back” the talents, treasures and time with which we have been blessed.
Help us plan to serve our church, our community, and our world with your gifts.
May we serve you and pray with a joyful spirit of mind and heart. Amen
Personal Stewardship Prayers
Prayer #1
Creator God,
Life is your gift to me. Through Baptism, you invite me to share the gift of my life in service to others. Be with me as I choose each day to show your Presence in our world. Give me the courage and generosity to respond to your love, to your call.
I pray especially for those who serve you in ministry throughout the parishes of this Diocese.
May we bring the Good News to those in need. Keep us close to you.
Open the minds and hearts of many others -- men, women, and young people -- that they may accept your challenge to build the Kingdom in our parishes.
We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer #2
Generous God,
I give thanks to you for the gifts you have given me -my life, my family, my friends - time, talents, and material possessions. All that I have comes from you. Help me to remember this and rejoice in your goodness.
Walk with me, my God. Help me on my spiritual journey, so that I may constantly renew my relationship with you and all the good people in our parish and beyond.
Renew in me your Spirit. Give me the strength and courage to become a better follower of Jesus, to be a disciple. Help me hear the call to "Come, Follow Me."
I give glory to you, my God, as I make stewardship a way of life. Amen.
Prayer #3
Creator God,
At Baptism, we accepted the call to follow Jesus.
Be with us as we move along on our faith journey.
Send us Your Holy Spirit, that we might have wisdom for the journey.
Help us to develop and share our gifts as good stewards, that we may use them in love and service in your Kingdom.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer #4
Oh Lord, giver of life and source of our freedom, we are reminded by the Psalmist that Yours is “the earth and its fullness; the world and those who dwell in it.”
We know that it is from your hand that we have received all we have, and are, and will be. Gracious and loving God, we understand that You call us to be the stewards of Your abundance, the caretakers of all You have entrusted to us.
Help us always to use Your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. May our faithful stewardship bear witness to the love of Christ in our lives. We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Prayer #5
Lord God,
You alone are the source of every gift, of the vast array of our universe, and of the mystery of each human life. We praise You and we thank You for Your great power and Your tender, faithful Love.
Everything we are and everything we have is Your gift, and after having created us, You have given us into the keeping of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Fill our hearts with Christ’s truth and our hearts with His love, that in His Spirit we may be bonded together into a community of faith, a parish family, a caring people.
In the Name and Spirit of Jesus, we commit ourselves to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, to share our time, our talent and our material gifts as an outward sign of the treasure we hold in Jesus. Amen.
Prayer #6
God, Creator and Giver of all that is good, we thank you for our many blessings. Mindful of your generosity, we acknowledge that all that we have is from you. Daily, we offer you thanks and praise for the beauty of the earth, our work, our family and our loved ones.
In the dawning of a new day, You are with us. In each dark hour, You are here. Blessed by Your grace, we show gratitude by sharing what we have. By serving our brothers and sisters, we serve You.
As You protect and guide us on our journey, we, Your stewards, remain ever grateful for Your constant love.
Prayer #7
Life is Your Gift
Creator God, Life is Your gift to me.
Through Baptism, You invite me to share the gift of my life in service to others. Be with me as I choose each day to show Your Presence in our world. Give me the courage and generosity to respond to Your love, to Your call.
I pray especially for those who serve You in ministry throughout our Diocese. May we bear the “Good News” to those in need. Keep us close to You.
Open the minds and hearts of many other men, women and young people that they may accept Your challenge to build the Kingdom in our parish, our community and our world.
For if not us, who?
If not here, where?
If not now, when?
If not for Your Kingdom, why?
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer #8
Dear Jesus,
I thank you for everything You have given me. My gifts of time and talents are precious gifts, enable me to use them to do Your will.
I offer you this day all my words, actions and good intentions to reflect my love for You and my neighbour.
Please help me realize that I need to share these gifts and all my gifts with the Church and others, help me to be generous, patient, forgiving and holy. Amen
Prayer #9
Loving God, I come to you in thanksgiving, knowing that all I am and all that I have is gift from you. In faith and love, help me to do your will.
I am listening, Lord God. Speak your words into the depth of my soul, that I may hear you clearly.
I offer to you this day all the facets of my life, whether it be at home, at work, or at school – to be patient, to be merciful, to be generous, to be holy.
Give me the wisdom and insight to understand your will for me and the fervour to carry out my good intentions.
I offer my gifts of time, talent and possessions to you as a true act of faith, to reflect my love for you and my neighbour.
Help me to reach out to others as you my God have reached out to me. Amen
Prayer #10
O Lord, giver of life and source of freedom, I know that all I have received is from your hand.
Gracious and Loving Father, You call us to be stewards of Your abundance, the caretakers of all.
You have entrusted to us. Help us to always use Your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously.
Send the Holy Spirit to work through us, bringing Your message to those we serve.
May our faithful stewardship bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ in our lives. We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila
Christ has no body now but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet
with which he walks to do good.
Yours are the hands
with which He blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands,
yours are the feet.
Yours are the eyes,
you are His body.
Christ has no body now but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
Prayer Service - Stewardship, A Way of Life
PRESIDER: Let us pray that we will make stewardship a way of Life with God.
ALL: Because of our faith in You, O Lord, we acknowledge You as the source of all we have and all we are.
ALL: Help us place You, our loving Creator, first in our lives by becoming more prayerful, more focused on loving and caring for our families and our neighbours in need, and by becoming less preoccupied with material things.
ALL: Help us, Lord, find the true source of happiness and fulfillment that we all seek and that You, alone, can provide.
ALL: Help us to hear Your call to be good stewards, caretakers, and managers of all Your gifts by sharing them for Your purposes.
ALL: Help us make Your priorities our priorities.
ALL: Help us challenge each other, as disciples of Jesus Christ, to put our faith into action.
PRESIDER: Let us pray that as good stewards we will plan our sharing.
ALL: As we plan the things in our lives that are most important to us, Lord, help us plan our sharing of time with those in need.
ALL: Help us plan how to “give back” the talents with which we have been blessed.
ALL: Help us plan how to share our treasure to do Your work.
ALL: Our planning and sharing demonstrates the great importance that You and the truth of the Gospel has in our lives.
ALL: Help us plan to serve our church, our community, and our world with Your Gifts.
PRESIDER: Let us pray that we will share in proportion to what has been given us.
ALL: Help us, Lord, return a portion of all You have given us.
ALL: We do this, O Lord, as a sign of our love and in thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received.
ALL: We offer not only the “first fruits” of our financial resources, but a generous portion of our time and talents as well.
ALL: Giving proportionately means it is equal for all of us according to what You have given us. You ask the same of each of us.
ALL: As we give proportionately, help us to put our trust, security and faith in You.
ALL: As good Christian Stewards, we pray we have a joyful spirit of mind and heart.
All: Amen
A Stewardship Reflection
“The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and care for it.” - Genesis 2:15
All: Lord, help me to do all that you ask, in the way that you ask, for as long as you ask, simply because you have asked it of me.
“For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them…” - Romans 12:4-6
All: Lord, help me to do all that you ask, in the way that you ask, for as long as you ask, simply because you have asked it of me.
“This is what the Lord then said to Moses: ‘Tell the Israelites to take up a collection for me. From every man you shall accept the contribution that his heart prompts him to give to me.’” - Exodus 25:1-2
All: Lord, help me to do all that you ask, in the way that you ask, for as long as you ask, simply because you have asked it of me.
“Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” - Luke 12:48
All: Lord, help me to do all that you ask, in the way that you ask, for as long as you ask, simply because you have asked it of me.
“Give and gifts will be given to you: a good measure, packed together, shaken down and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” - Luke 6:38
All: Lord, help me to do all that you ask, in the way that you ask, for as long as you ask, simply because you have asked it of me.
All: Amen